The Knit Yorker Podcast

Hello friends!

I have something new for you that I hope you will enjoy. I jumped on the podcasting bandwagon and I have a lot of fun ideas for topics related to knitting and crafting, that hopefully a lot of you will find interesting.

The idea behind this podcast is to find a theme every month and have you participate through polls on social media. What are the most popular knitting tools? Which are your favorite summer patterns? What was the worst project you ever worked on? I want to hear from you.

I will keep this post updated with the latest podcast but you can always subscribe to my YouTube Channel and get them directly on your feed every month. We will have fun!

I leave you with the first one, which is all about blankets as a project. Enjoy!

Published by Magali

I'm a knitter, crocheter, maker, animator, wife. I live in a big messy city and making things has become a passion that brings me to explore it more, meet people who enjoy it too, and have something fun to do while I commute too! I love to share my designs and tutorials to make it easy for more people to join the craft(s).

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